School Term and Holiday calendars

The school term and holiday calendars are confirmed for the 2 year period 2025/26 to 2026/27.

The Council will continue to set the calendars for all maintained schools and we encourage academies to adopt a similar model to maximise consistency across the City. Academies can already set their own term dates, although currently just over half of Nottingham City academies still follow our recommended calendars.

The key principles of the Nottingham City model which were adopted from 2013 will continue, with a view to maximising pupil attendance and family cohesion.  Complete weeks have been applied where possible and practical. The existing principles of a two week October half term, a shorter summer break and a fixed Spring break regardless of where Easter falls, will continue.

Schools continue to retain autonomy over allocating INSET days, to plan for different elements of school improvement at different times of the year and each school is unique in their circumstances.  However, the LA will continue to recommend specific INSET days where it is practical, i.e. the first day of return in September and where the first day of term occurs on a Friday.

The new calendars will be uploaded to the Council website.

If you have any queries, please contact Lucy Juby: in the School Organisation team.