School Collaborations

In Nottingham, schools and academies collaborate to offer a joined up approach to improving outcomes for children and young people.

Schools work together to champion best practice and secure excellent achievement for all pupils.  Schools also work together with the public, private, community and voluntary partners.

Partners have:

  • A collective understanding of the purpose and values of the partnership
  • An effective performance framework with clearly defined function and roles
  • A commitment to developing effective relationships with fellow professionals to improve and enrich social outcomes for all pupils

There is a range of collaborative structures in the Nottingham area including:

  • Local partnerships/collaborations, some still known as EIPs
  • Teaching School Alliances
  • Multi-Academy Trusts

Partnerships have developed into more mature collaborations building on trusted relationships between schools and partners.

For further information contact:

Pat Whitby
Education Partnership Strategy Manager   
Tel: 0115 876 4593