Staff Absence Insurance Scheme

Staff Absence

The ESN Team have been out to tender for a Staff Absence Insurance Provider so that you don't have to. We have found the best packages and prices available on the market. We put the tender specification together based on discussions from a working group made up of School and Academy Business Managers.

We are happy to announce that Schools Advisory Service (SAS) have been successful and are Nottingham City Council's preferred supplier for Staff Absence Insurance.

About Schools Advisory Service (SAS)

SAS have been supporting Schools for over 25 years and are the only provided who is recommended for Schools by the DfE, ISBL and NAHT.  Offering an A+ Rated insurance policy, SAS provide a 100% guarantee that all valid claims will be paid to Schools, giving you peace of mind and financial security. SAS have paved the way for wellbeing support for staff to be included in staff absence insurance packages, and have taken this one step further by also including specific support for the Schools SLT and Pupil Wellbeing Support. SAS have a team of in-house Nurses and wellbeing consultants, all specially trained to support staff within the Education Sector.

For Schools who don’t purchase staff absence insurance, SAS also offer a stand-alone wellbeing package. Please get in touch to get a quote.

How to place an order

All quotes, orders, contracts, claims and invoicing will be carried out by SAS directly with each individual school/academy. Ruth Humphries is the Nottingham City Schools Account Manager. Please feel free to get in touch using the details below.

Please click on this link to request a quote

01773 814 400 | |