Pupil Benefits

The Pupil Benefits Team works with schools, academies and citizens in relation to the administration of Free School Meals and/or School Clothing Allowance applications in accordance with legislation and policy.

Objectives of the service

The Pupil Benefits Team will:

  • process electronic applications in respect of Free School Meals and/or School Clothing Allowance
  • carry out regular ongoing eligibility checks throughout the claim period

Cost for Academies

The cost for the Pupil Benefits Team to deliver this service is based on the pupil head count from the January census (it is not based on numbers receiving free school meals) at £6.00 per pupil plus VAT

Academies will need to issue their own invoices to families, Pupil Benefits do not provide this service.

Nottingham City Council is not able to assist with or fund School Clothing Allowance for pupils attending Academies.


Name: Pupil Benefits Team
Email: pupil.benefits@nottinghamcity.gov.uk